Freelance Services

I offer services in front-end web development, workshops, conference talks, private tutoring sessions and more.

Custom Web Development

Need a website? I specialize in building custom websites. From concept to hosting, I'll handle the whole thing for you at a reasonable price and pace. My sites are accessible, interactive, SEO-optimized, highly performant and built with your needs in mind.

Development Stack:

  • Framework: Astro and Vue
  • Hosting: Cloudflare, Vercel, Netlify or AWS Amplify

Lessons and Workshops

I am available for giving workshops to small teams or talks to large groups around modern front-end development, leading and running a development team, and building websites.


  • Advanced Layout Techniques with CSS Grid
  • Building interactive static sites with Astro and Vue
  • Engineering Management 101
  • Running an Unconference
  • And More!